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How Going Solar Can Save You Money

“Going Solar” means putting solar panels on your roof that generate electricity for your home, and therefor reduce your dependence on the electric companies and their ever rising electricity costs. There are tax incentives at the federal level that greatly reduce the cost of going solar (some states and local governments offer their own tax incentives as well). 

  1. We perform an energy usage analysis (review current utility bill to calculate solar savings)

  2. Determine the size of the system to be installed (every home’s needs are different)

  3. Discuss financing options (still free)

  4. Become a Solar Powered Home and start saving more money!

Further Questions?

Schedule a call or email us to speak with someone at Green Country, LLC.

In all of the states we work in (see our service map to the left), a policy known as “net metering” is enacted by utility companies. Net metering effectively means you get to use a push and pull effect to net out your electricity. Say you produce 50 kWh in a given day, but you only use 30 kWh… this means that your account is credited for the 20 kWh that your solar panels produced but that you did not use.

There are three main sources of information in the “Clean Tech” world that we at Green Country trust more than others.




This depends on two things.

  1. How much electricity you are using (this will determine the size of your system  – how many panels you will need to power your home)

  2. How much you are currently overpaying your electricity provider

The federal tax credit is set to step down over the coming years. In 2019, the federal government would pay for 30% of the total cost of your solar system. In 2021 and 2022, they will pay 26% of your system.  Take advantage of current programs and lock in savings for the next few decades.

Get a friend or family member to install Solar with us and Green Country will give you a $500 check upon install.

Green Country takes pride in its corporate partnerships and partnerships with charities. Please direct inquires regarding corporate partnerships to the company help button on the home page.

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